
Installation of Archlinux with a Simplified Chinese environment

Note: 'Cause ibus-git-20090213 does not work in opera on my laptop right now, this post will be written in English
Note2: Because upgrade of Archlinux is seamless, though Arch2009.2 has been released, I still preferred the 2008.6 edition

1. Base system installation
Installation medium: Arch 2008.6 livecd
Installation method: Ftp installation
Repository: ftp.sjtu.edu.cn
NOthing goes wrong.

2. Desktop installation & configuration
X server version: 1.5.3
Display card: ATI Mobile Raedon X1250
Desktop environment: awesome3.1.2-1
Window manager: awesome3.1.2-1
Login manager: SLim
Locale: zh_CN.UTF-8

pacman -S xorg catalyst awesome slim hwd
modprobe fglrx
hwd -a #generate a xorg.conf
aticonfig --initial

Then modify xorg.conf, comment out all lines containing "InputDevices", and set default depth to 24. Then startx to see if it works.
Configurations related to SLim and laptop please refer to Archlinux Wiki, it's enough.
Don't forget to add fglrx as default loaded modules in rc.conf!

3. Chinese enviroment setup
Edit /etc/rc.conf and change locale to zh_CN.UTF-8
Edit /etc/locale.gen and uncomment the "zh_CN.UTF-8" line

cp simsum.ttc /usr/share/fonts/TTC
cd /usr/share/fonts/TTC
fc-cache -fv

then add /usr/share/fonts/TTC to xorg.conf and simsun works!

4. xterm
Edit .Xdefaults as follows to display chinese:

XTerm*preeditType: Root
XTerm*cursorColor: OliveDrab1
XTerm*background: black
XTerm*foreground: AntiqueWhite1
XTerm*font: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-18-120-100-100-c-90-iso10646-1
XTerm*wideFont: -misc-fixed-medium-r-normal-*-18-120-100-100-c-180-iso10646-1
XTerm*scrollBar: True
XTerm*scrollbar.translations:#override \n\
<Btn5Down>:StartScroll(Forward) \n\
<Btn1Down>:StartScroll(Continuous) MoveThumb() NotifyThumb() \n\
<Btn4Down>:StartScroll(Backward) \n\
<Btn1Motion>:MoveThumb() NotifyThumb() \n\
<BtnUp>: NotifyScroll(Proportional) EndScroll()
XTerm*selectToClipboard: True

5. todo
xorg tuning
